University Rankings – Reflections from Social Sciences and Humanities
International Ranking Conference in Budapest, Eötvös Loránd University
!!!Online Event!!!
19 May – 21 May, 2021
- Opening Ceremony: Rankings and the Decision-Makers
Prof. Luiz Claudio COSTA, President, IREG Observatory on Academic Ranking and Excellence, Brazil
Prof. László PALKOVICS, Minister for Innovation and Technology, Hungary /under negotiation/
Prof. Laszlo BORHY, Rector, Eötvös Loránd University, Hungary
Day I. 19. May 11.00 – 14.00
- Are There Theories of Rankings?- Keynote
The Hidden Theoretical Underpinnings of the University Ranking Discourse – Keynote
Prof. Ulrich TEICHLER, University of Kassel, Germany
Reflections, comments – Roundtable Discussion
- Rankings as Media Phenomena – Keynotes:
Crisis, Conflict and University Rankings – Keynote
Dr. Richard HOLMES, University Ranking Watch, USA
Measured or Communicated? – Keynote
Dr. György FÁBRI, Eötvös Loránd University, Hungary
- Reflections of Ranking Providers I. – Roundtable Discussion
Day II. 20. May 13.30 – 17.00
- Rankings as Social Phenomena – Keynotes and Roundtable discussions
The evolution of the social game we all play – Keynote
Prof. Peter ERDI, Kalamazoo College; Wigner Research Centre for Physics, USA
Inversions of Measurement: We Value What We Rank – Keynote
Prof. Theodore PORTER, UCLA, USA
- Meeting of Three Cultures: Universities, Rankings, and the Social-Economic Environment – Presentations and Roundtable Discussion
Dr. Csilla STEGER, PwC, Hungary
Bartlomiej BANASZAK, Department of Science, Ministry of Science and Higher Education, Poland /under negotiation/
Telcs András, Hungarian Academy of Sciences, Hungary
- New Rankings Initiatives – for New Publics?
The “Engi-Rank” – Presentation
Waldemar SIWINSKI, President, Perspektywy Education Foundation and Vice President of IREG Observatory on Academic Ranking and Excellence, Poland
Ranking of the University Sport
Mozes SZÉKELY, Ministry for Innovation and Technology, Hungary
Ranking for the V4 Countries
László GULÁCSI, Vice Rector for research, Óbuda University, Hungary
- Reflections of Ranking Providers II. – Roundtable discussion
Day III. 21. May 10.00 – 14.00
- Theoretical Approaches to Excellence – Keynotes
The internal structure and predictors of scientific excellence – Keynote
Prof. Csaba PLÉH, Central European University, Hungary-Austria
The Excellence and the Numbers – Metrics and Science – Keynote
Prof. Dr. Wolfgang GLÄNZEL, KU Leuven, Belgium
- Universities as Knowledge-Institutions in the Ranking Games – Presentations and Roundtable Discussion
Prof. Mircea DUMITRU, University of Bucharest, Romania
Prof. Mirko Degli ESPOSTI, University of Bologna, Italy
Dr. Zuzanna GORENSTEIN, German Rectors’ Conference (HRK), Germany
- Posters – interactive exhibition
- Closing Reflections
György Fabri Eötvös Loránd University, Hungary
Prof. Luiz Claudio COSTA, International Ranking Expert Group, Brazil