QS World University Rankings By Subject 2021 is out now

QS World University Rankings By Subject 2021 is out now

Global Ranking Monitor, Headline
QS has published its newest subject rankings in 5 broader subject areas and 51 subjects. The 2021 edition ranked 1440 institutions in 85 countries, based on data regarding nearly 14000 individual university programmes and almost 14 million publications. USA continues to shine out with the most ranked programmes and with the two most successful institutions, Harvard and MIT, each topping the tables in 12 subjects. UK, China, Australia, and Germany complete the Top 5 by number of institutions ranked. Russia has a record number of Top 20 appearances and Singapore can also be highlighted with two first places in 2021. On the contrary, Japanese institutions continue to decline in performance. Hungarian institutions have been ranked in all five subject areas and 24 subjects, with a total of 11 institutions appearing…
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What’s behind the rankings? A series of webinars on higher education rankings has been launched

What’s behind the rankings? A series of webinars on higher education rankings has been launched

Headline, Webinar
Over the past nearly twenty years, university rankings have become a popular form of communication in higher education institutional performance worldwide, constantly focusing on the dialogue on higher education. The webinar series, which was organized by the Eötvös Loránd University PPK Social Communication Research Group in early February, would also like to contribute to this. What's behind the rankings? was asked at the professional webinar, which was the first time in a series on university rankings. The aim of the series is to review the international and domestic rankings, as well as to further develop the Hungarian UnivPress Ranking. The online webinar, held on 3 February, was attended by nearly 50 people representing a wide range of higher education. Following the introduction of Fruzsina Szabó (HVG / Eduline), three short…
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In Our Own Field – THE Emerging Economics Ranking

In Our Own Field – THE Emerging Economics Ranking

Global Ranking Monitor, Headline
In THE Emerging Economics Ranking institutions are ranked using THE World University Ranking Indicators, but assigning different weights to each indicator. This ranking includes only universities in countries classified by the London Stock Exchange’s FTSE Group, where Hungary is listed as advanced emerging country. In this ranking, both the learning environment and research are ranked 30%, while research influence is only 20% (compared to 30% in World University Ranking), and international outlook and knowledge transfer both weight 10-10% (as opposed to 7.5% and 2.5%). Source: https://www.timeshighereducation.com/sites/default/files/emergingeconomies2020methodologytable.jpg At first, in 2014 THE Emerging Economies ranked the top 100 institutes, then the number of ranked institutions rose to 200 and 300, and this year the rankings of more than 500 institutions from 47 countries were announced. The number of rival institutions for…
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Conference Postponed!

Conference Postponed!

Based on recent epidemic developments and university recommendations in Europe, it is with great regret that the organizing committee has decided to postpone the International Ranking Conference Budapest until Fall 2020. This decision was taken after close monitoring the rising global risk caused by the Covid 19 virus. Although the virus is currently assessed as low in Hungary, the European situation is changing every day in unpredictable ways. We will decide on a new date in the coming weeks, when we hope to see better the process of international travel restrictions.  (more…)
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Hungarian Universities  in Subject Rankings – 2019

Hungarian Universities in Subject Rankings – 2019

Global Ranking Monitor, Headline
The number of positions gained by Hungarian universities in different subject rankings have been growing year by year. While in 2017 there were 119 positions altogether in ARWU, Leiden, QS, THE and US News subject rankings, in 2018 this number was 132. Examining recent performance so far without QS subject rankings 2020, 102 Hungarian positions featured in rankings, comparing to 89 positions in previous year (without counting QS subject ranking). Taking a look at all appearances of institutions, ELTE tops the subject ranking lists with 69 presences during the last three years, while BME was listed 59 times, Szeged 53 times, Debrecen and CEU 49 times. At the end of the list Pécs gained 20 positions, Corvinus came with 17, 7 positions for Szent István University, and 3 for Pannon…
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Meeting of Ranking Providers and Social Scientists – April 1-2 Budapest

Meeting of Ranking Providers and Social Scientists – April 1-2 Budapest

What does the ranking phenomenon say about the classic themes of the humanities and the social sciences, and how have these scientific approaches extended our knowledge about rankings? In order to demonstrate this, a conference will be organised by Social Communication Research Group of the Eötvös Loránd University (ELTE) as a traditional research university of humanities, arts and sciences, addressing practitioners of the humanities and social sciences. Date: April 1-2 2020, Budapest, Hungary.
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International Ranking-Conference 2020 Budapest – Partnership with the IREG!

International Ranking-Conference 2020 Budapest – Partnership with the IREG!

Global Ranking Monitor, Headline, Projects
An international ranking conference is organising by Eötvös Lorándt University in Budapest in early April 2020, with a special thematic: Reflections of Social Science Analysis on the University Rankings. The preparation of the event was supported by the Ministry for Innovation and Technology and its organization is supported by the PADE Foundation established by the Hungarian National Bank. The importance of the conference is enhanced by the fact that IREG is a partner in the event.
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Elsevier about Rankings

Elsevier about Rankings

Global Ranking Monitor, Headline
Elsevier, a publishing company known for its much-debated activities, organized a meeting at one of Budapest's most elegant hotels in late June. During the meeting, experts from Hungarian universities made their views on the relationship between rankings and research excellence. The Russian Project 5-100 is a key element of the higher education policy of the Russian Federation and its main success indicator is to include the leading Russian institutions among the top 100 universities (Alex Falalev, Head of Expert Support for the Russian Academic Excelelence). IREG Vice President Waldemar Siwinski reviewed the changes in rankings. Seline Griffin described QS's latest endeavors. Elsevier's experts (Krysztof Szymansky, Marat Fatkhouline) talked about the relationship between university rankings, academic excellence and multidisciplinarity.
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