Even plausible measures may lead to bad effects if researchers change their behaviour in order to be evaluated more favorable according to quantitative measures.

Even plausible measures may lead to bad effects if researchers change their behaviour in order to be evaluated more favorable according to quantitative measures.

Global Ranking Monitor, Headline
Interview with Professor Ted Porter (USLA) 12 May 2021 Could you shortly introduce the main topics your field, the history of science has discussed most recently? According to you, which are the most relevant questions? People write about the history of science from many perspectives. Since the 1940sm it has become a somewhat distinct academic field, allied to the historical discipline and to social sciences. Much of this writing is about the reciprocal shaping of scientific knowledge and scientific practices along with social, political, and cultural changes. It is often allied to history of technology and medicine and with the field of Science and Technology Studies. My own research is allied to a growing interest in understanding the outcomes and significance of quantification, and this is particularly relevant to questions…
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Does increased competition in higher education lead to more quality, or does it undermine creativity?

Does increased competition in higher education lead to more quality, or does it undermine creativity?

Global Ranking Monitor, Headline
Interview with Ulrich Teichler 08 May 2021 Foto: Heiko Meyer Our conference ("University Rankings – Reflections from Social Sciences and Humanities") aims at examining the role of global rankings from the reflections of various disciplines (humanities, social science, and natural science). What main questions or topics has your field (higher education research) discuss over the last 5-10 years? According to you, which are the most relevant questions? Most higher education researchers, who have addressed rankings in their research activities, have pointed out the normative biases of the popular rankings (e.g. belief that the cumulation of talents in a few institutions might increase the overall academic productivity in a country, pre-occupation with elite higher education, disregard of diversity, disregard of the tension between academic quality and societal relevance, etc.). Some scholars…
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Covid-19 and rankings

Covid-19 and rankings

Global Ranking Monitor, Headline
What effect does the pandemic have on rankings? In this time of crisis, is it a priority for institutions to achieve rankings? Has their strategy changed in the last year? These issues were examined in an article in The Wall Street Journal in February 2021. In the U.S. popular M.B.A rankings, several business schools did not participate this year. The article cites as examples that Harvard Business School, the University of Pennsylvania’s Wharton School, Columbia Business School, and the Stanford Graduate School of Business were also missing from the Economist and Financial Times rankings. One reason for this was that the institutions did not take on the tasks of collecting the data needed for ranking, which was justified by the fact that it would have placed a heavy burden not…
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Ranking webinarium – V4 Countries and the Global rankings

Ranking webinarium – V4 Countries and the Global rankings

Universities in the Central and Eastern European region have a unique situation in global rankings. Their original traditions and their current orientation and system of relations clearly link them to the Western world of university, but for most of them, global indicators only allow them to positions more distant, blurred evaluations. What is their strategy in this situation? How can their international ranking measurement be more informative? Date: 08 April 2021, pm 2.00 Contributors: Prof. Dr. László Gulácsi Vice Rector for Research, Óbuda University Budapest, Hungary Péter Szluka,  Director, Central Library Semmelweis University Budapest Dr. Mózes Székely, Head of Higher Education Department, Ministry of Innovation and Technology Registration: http://ranking.elte.hu/hu/special-edition-v4-countries-university-rankings-and-the-hungarian-ranking-experiences/
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The real competition: Hungarian universities in the international field

The real competition: Hungarian universities in the international field

Global Ranking Monitor, Headline, Webinar
Summary of the second Ranking Webinar (22 February 2021) The second part of our Ranking-webinar series discussed the ranking of Hungarian higher education institutions in global and subject rankings. This series aims to strengthen common thinking on rankings - an important milestone of this will be the International Ranking Conference in 19-21. May 2021. Dr. György Fábri's presentation discussed two important issues. The first topic discussed where the real competition for Hungarian universities is, whether the issue of comparing the dominant North American universities and Hungarian institutions is realistic. In the presenter's view, it is important to have a proper comparability between domestic and foreign universities, for which it is worth choosing a reference circle that includes universities operating in similar social, cultural and scientific environments. For this reason, the…
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